Stormwater Stars

Stormwater Stars are properties that have improved their landscape to help manage rain in our city. Interested in learning more? 

Stormwater Stars Hands-On Workshops:

Join the conversation about rain!

We can also schedule a FREE site visit with you to answer questions or help plan a project! 

Stormwater Stars is a program delivered by Neighbors West-Northwest and the Westside Watershed Resource Center, in partnership with and funded through contributions from West Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District and City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services.

The fine print

Demonstrations and site visits conducted through this program do not include recommendations for drainage piping or plumbing, basement flooding, foundation problems or foundation drains, French drains, retaining walls, landslide prevention, mitigation of high groundwater, or the capture and infiltration of runoff. We recommend that property owners consult a qualified licensed engineer to address such issues.

Westside Watershed Resource Center

The Westside Watershed Resource Center inspires awareness and action on behalf of watershed health in Southwest and Northwest Portland.